Selenite & Crystal Alchemy Cleanse
A new sound bath is now available in the Temple of Love ~ the Angelic Realm Sound Journey: Receive Now. When you receive these healing vibrations, ask your Angels and Guides of the highest vibration of love and healing to assist you with wiping away any negative or toxic...
Temple of Love ✧ Angelic Realm Activation
Welcome to the Temple of Love, a complimentary library of light heartfully crafted to lift your vibration and activate your divine light within. Today we travel to the Angelic Realm, connecting with our Angelic Self to download new light codes that will guide our Earthly avatar's existence and allow...
Spring Equinox Workshop & Soundbath Meditation ✧ Spring Into The New
Harness the energetics of the Spring Equinox to birth new possibilities and anchor into your highest desired reality. Let's celebrate spring together! On March 20th I'm delivering a workshop for the Spring Equinox at Sacred Space Meditation in Tenafly, NJ from 7p-8:30p. As the Sun body aligns with the Earth’s...
Stargate Of Your Heart
Activate your soul blueprint and awaken your heart consciousness through a series of nine initiations from the Starseed Council of Light. Starseed Initiation is an advanced program of light for starseeds, 5D visionaries and New Earth light leaders. Your unique 4D/5D abilities and leadership codes will be awakened and...
Temple of Love ✧ Enchanted Forest Sound Journey
Welcome to the Temple of Love, a complimentary library of light heartfully crafted to lift your vibration and activate your divine light within. Today's sound journey will support the integration of our Enchanted Forest activation enhancing our connection with the four sacred elements, restoring our playful, joyful, childlike wonder...
Announcing Residency With Sacred Space Meditation
New York/New Jersey come thru! I’m so excited to announce I’m starting a residency with Sacred Space Meditation in Tenafly, NJ. Join me on Thursday’s at 10am for “Restore With Kelly.” I’ll guide you through a heart-led meditation and sound bath journey to lift your vibration, alchemize energetic blocks...
Temple of Love ✧ Enchanted Forest
Welcome to the Temple of Love, a complimentary library of light heartfully crafted to lift your vibration and activate your divine light within. Today we connect with mother Gaia and the four sacred elements in an enchanted forest to restore our light bodies and activate our unique soul frequency....
What If
What if instead of sending homework home every night, conditioning our children to work overtime, we instilled the importance of self-care and family time? What if all of our public properties were lined with fruit bearing trees? What if we focused on healing the root cause of dis-ease with holistic/integrated...
Grounded & Rooted
Clear instability, fear, suffering and ancestral trauma while listening my new sound bath recording in the Temple of Love. Anytime you want to feel more grounded & rooted in sovereignty, immersive yourself with these restorative frequencies. To prepare yourself - lie down, relax your body and set an intention...
Find Groundedness & Inner Peace
Start your heart-awakening journey today and learn how to effortlessly architect your dream reality with greater precision. Who You Truly Are is a 6-month mentorship program designed for the ones who are ready to answer the call to journey beyond the reef. For the ones 100% committed to their divine...