Ascension programs & 1:1 private mentoring
To Activate Your Divine Light & Magnetize Your Dream Reality.

Hi, I’m Kelly! I specialize in vibrational mastery, alchemy and working within the quantum field of infinite possibility. I will equip and empower you with the tools to create your dream reality, activate your divine light within and receive more clarity in purpose.
My immersive programs offer 1:1 personalized healing sessions and I’ll be with you every step of the way to support your unique journey of transformation and self-realization.

Your Crystalline Ticket Is Here And The New You Awaits!
Choose Your Next Adventure.
Signature program for the ones longing for more from life who dare to lift the veil to awaken to higher states of consciousness.
Series of 9 initiations from the Starseed Council designed to activate your soul blueprint, 4D/5D consciousness and New Earth mission leadership codes.
Illuminate your little ones' unique gifts to shine as the highest expression of Source and beacon their light unto future generations.
Join 8 New Earth light leaders in this missioned program to elevate the photonic structure of Gaia’s sentient life template while receiving ascension upgrades.